
以粉丝经济撬动品牌活力与年轻化市场。我们以年轻男艺人为品牌市场策略,邀请任嘉伦成为品牌代言人,并通过《I LOVE 优》暖心微电影,以代言人任嘉伦为主角诠释品牌态度,引发网络热议与电商流量。多维度明星素材持续推进,蓄粉互动。“突袭任嘉伦”明星直播活动,为品牌创下销售高峰,获得金麒麟营销奖。

Explore brand vitality and youth-oriented market with fan economy. We take young male actors as the brand’s marketing strategy and invite Ren Jialun as the brand spokesperson to act the leading role and interpret the brand attitude in the warmhearted microcinema I LOVE SUPERIOR, which triggers Internet sensation and E-commerce traffic. Multi-dimensional stars continue to advance fans-storage interaction. The star live-streaming of “Surprise Ren Jialun” has created a spike in sales and won China Brand Marketing Award.